Sunday, 16 May 2010


Here is the Norwegian entry. We danced at Tomb, an old estate close to our school. Today it serves as an agricultural school. We really enjoyed practising for the dance, and watching the videos from all our partner schools as they kept comming on the blog.
Our first dance is a traditional Norwegian song dance, called "Lasse går i ringen". The dancers tease the person in the circle, because he has no partner. The second dance is an old folk dance, called "Rugen". We whish you all the best of luck, and hope you enjoy our film. Tomorrow we will celebrate the 17th of May in Norway. We will dress up in our national costumes and there will be parades all over Norway, since this is our Constitution Day. We will post some pictures and information about this on the blog later this week. Hope you will celebrate with us, by watching our beautiful pupils all dressed up, just for you!


congeo said...

Very nice dance and music! We enjoyed your video.Good luck.

Head of Muir Primary School said...

We really enjoyed seeing your dance. This is a great presentation and you have done a super job! Good luck for the competition! :)

Hilde Øen said...

Thank you both! We have had a great parade as well today!:-)

sp32bb said...

We really like your video. It looks professional! And we like your dance as well, and the costumes..
Well done Norway!
Greetings from Bielsko-Biała, Poland

Irene said...

Your dance and your video are fantastic! You live in a wonderful place,like the one we often dream to live in!